My Violent Heart
Kenji Wada

Sometimes, while walking through the city at night, I find myself captivated by the presence of violence stirring in the darkness. Perhaps it's because the dormant desires within me are being awakened. I intend to faithfully document those desires to discover who I truly am.
1989年、福岡県生まれ。一般社団法人日本現代写真家協会(JMPA)会員。東京を拠点に、ストリートフォトを主に撮影している。Nine Inch NailsやToolといったダークでヘヴィな音楽から想起される「イメージ」を基に都市生活者の孤独を写し、我々がとらえにくい彼らの意識の「流れ」と「よどみ」を表象させることをテーマとしている。
Born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1989, a member of the Japan Modern Photographers Association (JMPA). Based in Tokyo, he primarily shoots street photography. His work focuses on portraying the loneliness of urban dwellers, drawing on "images" evoked by dark, heavy music such as Nine Inch Nails and Tool. His theme is to represent the "flow" and "stagnation" of consciousness, which is difficult for us to grasp.