Hide and seek
South korea

While continuing to work in New York, I continued to live in Williamsburg. I would end my days walking around Domino Park. One Sunday afternoon, while finishing work and walking through the park, a baby and his mother were having a happy time in the park, playing hide and seek. I shot this natural and minimalistic scene from above.
My name is JAEJOON HA. I'm from South Korean and working based in New York City. I’ve been worked about street photography while understanding many place in the world. I got inspired by many people in the city. The first time I started taking pictures was when I got married and went on a honeymoon to the Czech Republic and Austria for about a month. I studied on my own to take wedding photos just the two of us without any knowledge, but now I am walking around the streets with a camera. I went on a honeymoon, got married in Seoul, finished my life in Korea, and moved to North America. I never thought I would start photography there. I started to understand life in America in New York when I was around 29 years old. My life and understanding of photography are still lacking, there are many things to learn on the road, and I need to encounter more diverse paths. On the streets, I learn and acquire everything.
私の名前はJAEJOON HAです。韓国出身で、現在はニューヨークを拠点に活動しています。世界のさまざまな場所を理解しながら、ストリートフォトグラフィーに取り組んでいます。最初に写真を撮り始めたのは、結婚してチェコとオーストリアに1ヶ月間のハネムーンに行ったときです。知識がないまま、2人だけのウェディング写真を撮るために独学で学びましたが、今ではカメラを持って街を歩いています。ソウルで結婚し、韓国での生活を終えて北米に移住しましたが、そこで写真を始めるとは思ってもいませんでした。29歳のときにニューヨークでアメリカでの生活を理解し始めました。私の人生と写真に対する理解はまだまだ未熟で、道中で学ぶべきことがたくさんあり、もっと多様な道に出会う必要があります。ストリートでは、すべてを学び、吸収しています。