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1991年東京生まれ 世田谷区在住 2023年フリーランスの写真家として活動開始。 ストリートを中心に、スナップ写真とポートレートの撮影を手掛ける。 日常の中で見せる自然な表情やしぐさを捉えることに焦点を当てている。

Born in Tokyo in 1991, currently living in Setagaya. Started working as a freelance photographer in 2023, focusing on street photography and portraits. I aim to capture natural expressions and gestures in everyday life.



Kakeru Urushibara



Alvin is a photographer from Indonesia based in Tokyo, Japan. His works are inspired by many visual media, ranging from animation and video games to illustration and cinema.  Interested in the exploration of the human theme, the subjects ranges from cultural products, activities created by humans, to the human form itself.




Alvin Jurianto



I'm a Colombian documentary/street photographer based in Toronto, Canada. As my existence flies by, I've found peace in fleeting moments trough photography. A camera to me, is a communication device between my present, past, and future self. Through my photographs, I hope to share encounters of life that are forever temporary. The impermanence and the unlikeliness of crossing the right path again is life, and that is the beauty of photography to me.   


Memories of Mexico


Andrea Lopez



Benny van der Plank is a Dutch photographer based in Amsterdam. His work has been exhibited at Rotterdam Photo and The London Photo Show, among several other exhibitions worldwide. He has won several awards and honors, including GUP New Talent 2022 and FRESH EYES European Talent 2021. He is winner of the Berlin Photo Week ‘Future' Challenge 2021 and the ‘State of the World 2022’ prize of The Prix de la Photographie Paris.

 ベニー・ファン・デル・プランクはアムステルダムを拠点に活動するオランダの写真家です。彼の作品は、ロッテルダム・フォトやロンドン・フォト・ショーなど、世界中のさまざまな展示会で展示されています。彼は「GUP New Talent 2022」や「FRESH EYES European Talent 2021」など、数々の賞と栄誉を受けています。2021年にはベルリン・フォト・ウィークの「Future」チャレンジで優勝し、2022年には「Prix de la Photographie Paris」の「State of the World 2022」賞を受賞しました。

New Year's Eve in Shinjuku


Benny van der Plank



Chiara is a photographer and game designer based in Tokyo.




Chiara Fackler



Eijiro Hamada is a Setagaya native and recent graduate from a university in Brisbane, Australia. He documents the streets wherever he wanders around the world.


Sydney Seaside In Blue


Eijiro Hamada



I am a Spanish photographer, currently living in Toulouse, France. Street photography entered my life in 2019, and since then, it has become my main hobby. Whenever I have free time, I love going out into the streets and capturing unique, unrepeatable moments happening around me.  In my compositions, I usually adopt a graphic approach and enjoy playing with geometric shapes. I often seek combinations of forms, backlighting, reflections, and frequently explore juxtapositions to add an extra layer of interest to my images. 


Under control at the festival


Emiliano Cuadrado



Born in Paris in 1981, Greg Mo is a photographer specializing in street and conceptual photographic practices.  Based in Phnom Penh, the vibrant capital of Cambodia, Greg's work primarily focuses on capturing the essence of Asia, drawing inspiration from the diverse cultures and varied atmospheres of the region. His photographic approach is rooted in exploring the interaction between urban life and conceptual storytelling. Greg has published several books on Cambodia and Laos, and his work has been featured in publications such as CNN, Stern, Le Monde, Vice, and Geo Magazine, among others.

1981年パリ生まれのGreg Moは、ストリートとコンセプチュアルな写真技法を専門とする写真家です。カンボジアの活気ある首都プノンペンを拠点に活動するGregの作品は、主にアジアの本質を捉えることに焦点を当てており、地域の多様な文化や多彩な雰囲気からインスピレーションを得ています。彼の写真アプローチは、都市生活とコンセプチュアルなストーリーテリングの相互作用を探ることに根ざしています。Gregはカンボジアとラオスに関する複数の書籍を出版しており、その作品はCNN、Stern、Le Monde、Vice、Geo Magazineなどの出版物に掲載されています。

Playful souls


Greg Mo



Based in Atlanta, Georgia, I am a passionate street photographer with an eye for capturing candid, authentic moments filled with emotion and humanity. I seek to express my love for people while showcasing color, composition, and storytelling through my photos.  Originally from the Midwest and now living in the South, I studied French and political science while at university and currently work with non-profit organizations. I discovered my love for photography while traveling. In the past several years, I embraced this passion and as a self-taught photographer have worked to hone my skills and continuously improve my craft. My camera is my constant companion, always ready to capture unique and compelling shots in any setting.


Soul of Hope


Gwen Julia



Hamilton is a photographer that has traveled around the Western United States and Japan. He has focused his craft on landscapes, architecture, and street photography. He has worked extensively with both film and digital formats. He currently lives in Japan.


Blue Collar


Hamilton Ross



韓国出身で2016年から東京で働いています。 - 写真歴は2022年から。本格的に取り始めたのは2023年7月から。 - 個展:「ぼく 東京 みる」開催( - 富士フィルムアンダー39部門 優秀賞 受賞

Born in Korea, working in Tokyo since 2016.
Although I’ve been into photography since 2022, I consider July 2023 as the real start of my serious photography journey.
Solo exhibition: "Boku Tokyo Miru" (
Winner of the Fujifilm Under-39 Award for Excellence.

Shibuya, Sunflower


Hyunjong Kim


South korea

My name is JAEJOON HA. I'm from South Korean and working based in New York City. I’ve been worked about street photography while understanding many place in the world. I got inspired by many people in the city. The first time I started taking pictures was when I got married and went on a honeymoon to the Czech Republic and Austria for about a month. I studied on my own to take wedding photos just the two of us without any knowledge, but now I am walking around the streets with a camera. I went on a honeymoon, got married in Seoul, finished my life in Korea, and moved to North America. I never thought I would start photography there. I started to understand life in America in New York when I was around 29 years old. My life and understanding of photography are still lacking, there are many things to learn on the road, and I need to encounter more diverse paths. On the streets, I learn and acquire everything.

私の名前はJAEJOON HAです。韓国出身で、現在はニューヨークを拠点に活動しています。世界のさまざまな場所を理解しながら、ストリートフォトグラフィーに取り組んでいます。最初に写真を撮り始めたのは、結婚してチェコとオーストリアに1ヶ月間のハネムーンに行ったときです。知識がないまま、2人だけのウェディング写真を撮るために独学で学びましたが、今ではカメラを持って街を歩いています。ソウルで結婚し、韓国での生活を終えて北米に移住しましたが、そこで写真を始めるとは思ってもいませんでした。29歳のときにニューヨークでアメリカでの生活を理解し始めました。私の人生と写真に対する理解はまだまだ未熟で、道中で学ぶべきことがたくさんあり、もっと多様な道に出会う必要があります。ストリートでは、すべてを学び、吸収しています。

Hide and seek




South korea

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