Observing / Gathering Photography

Dido Moriyama, LABYRINTH
みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOKYO KYOSUKEです。みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか。写真好きの皆さん、スナップしてますか?
Hello everyone, I am KYOSUKE. How are you guys doing? Are you shooting a lot? I hope all of you are doing well.
Fortunately, I am little bit busy recently and because I do not have enough time to shoot, I miss a time when I can shoot in entire day. BUT... shooting is not everything of street photography.
I dedicate my most of free time for getting inspiration through analyzing photography instead of going to shoot.
For this article, I would like to share simple tips of how I usually learn / analyze photography.
First of all, I would like to ask you how you basically analyze photos? I personally think the best thing of how to analyze photo is to look at photo books. You can definitely get some senses of photographers intentions or concepts through turning pages physically.
However, some photo book may be difficult to get because the price is super expensive or books are already out of print...etc. If you face to those issues, you might be difficult to see photos you want to look at. However, we have a great tool to see tons of wonderful photos, which is SNS, such as Instagram, Pinterest or twitter!!
I simply love to see photography, so I always check so many different kinds of photos posted on instagram and analyze what are exciting points on photos. Only looking at / analyzing photos you feel interested on SNS is really good way to get inspiration, however my favorite thing to analyze photo is to correct favorite photographers photos on Instagram by screenshot and create own original photo books. ( I strongly say to all of you that you must create original phonebook for only personal studying must not reuse / repost photographers photos you have chosen on any medias without permission of photographers If you do that, it may be judged as violation.
I guess lots of you have already been doing same thing with me like correcting favorite photographers photos and create own phonebooks, however, I think it is a really outstanding way to analyze photos, especially because of nowadays when is internet era.
As I mentioned in above, it is really good if you go to libraries and look at carefully famous photographers photo books that are difficult to get, however, we also have so many different ways to analyze photos, and if you use Instagram, you can always see lots of great photos taken by amateur / professional photographers.
Also you could visualize your hidden and unconscious code ( Your theme / concept / things you want to capture ) and tone of photography while learning what photographers intentions and concepts are by correcting photos and making original photo book. If you make PDF format book, you could always look at books and analyze anywhere and anytime, and if you print corrected photos and file them, you could have many physical printed books. ( I would like to say again that you should do that for only your personal study. )
Now I am going to share 2 photographers I always respect.
Joel Pulliam

Joel Pulliam

Joel Pulliam
初めにご紹介するのが、僕が尊敬している写真家の一人であるJoel Pulliam さん。
こちらは僕がJoel Pulliam さんの写真を集めた電子版ブックです。全ての写真はPulliam さんのインスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/j_pulliam_photo に掲載されたもので、ありがたいことにPulliam さんからこちらへの掲載許可を得て、このように写真をご紹介しています。
First, I am going to introduce Joel Pulliam, who is one of photographers I respect. A photo on above is my original phonebook composed with Pulliam's photos I have corrected from his Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/j_pulliam_photo . Fortunately, I could get a permission to share Pulliam's works from him.
Joel Pulliam
Joel Pulliamさんはアメリカで生まれ育ち、なんとハーバードロースクール卒業後に政府の債務管理の専門家として務めた幅広いキャリアを持つ写真家です。現在Pulliamさんは
Joel Pulliamさんの多くの写真は決してインパクトのあるものではないけれど、被写体と
Joel Pulliam was born in the U.S and grew up there. Pulliam is a greta photographer with a wide range of careers who worked as a government debt management expert after graduating from Harvard Law School. Now he is living in Tokyo with his family and shoot people in Tokyo and atmosphere of Tokyo using his outstanding sensibility.
Many of Pulliam's photos are not impactful like William Klein, but many of them have been carefully and perfectly calculated in every photographic detail, such as the relationship between the subject and the background, the composition, and the delicate balance between light and shadow. I think his photos naturally catch our eyes and make us stop looking at his works.

Joel Pulliam

Joel Pulliam
特に写真から垣間見れる”簡素さ"は、Joel Pulliamならではの特徴だと思いますし、毎回心奪われてしまします。またいくつかの写真からは曖昧な被写体のスケール感やグラフィカルな要素も見られ、全体的にシンプルながらも様々な要素が入り混じるテクニカルな作風が魅力なのかなと、Joel Pulliamさんのブックを観るたび思います。
Especially, it seems that "simpleness" is the key element of Pulliam's works. I can see there are few subjects, not like so many people are on most of his works, and they are perfectly captured as some sense of stories. I am always impressed with his photos when I look at his photos and learn lots off things. Also I can see there are his unique techniques that ambiguousness of scale and graphical / rhythmical elements on some of his works, and I can say that they are definitely Pulliam's unique sensibility.

Joel Pulliam

Joel Pulliam

Joel Pulliam
Tadashi Onishi

Tadashi Onishi

Tadashi Onishi
こちらも僕が尊敬している写真家の一人である、グローバルに活躍するストリートフォトコレクティブ、Void Tokyo の写真家、大西正さんのさんの写真を集めた電子版作品集です。
全ての写真は大西正さんのインスタグラム、https://www.instagram.com/tadashionishi に
Secondly, I am going to introduce Tadashi Onishi, who is also one of street photographer I strongly respect. I got a permission to share Onishi's works from him as well as Pulliam.
Tadashi Onishi
大西正さんは東京生まれ、東京を拠点に活動している写真家であり、上記にもご紹介させていただきましたが、FRAME TOKYO然り東京を拠点に活動するストリートフォトコレクティブの一つである、Void Tokyo のメンバーとしても活躍なさっています。また東京の街景や日常生活の中にある社会性を日々スナップしながら、ストリートフォトとドキュメンタリーの接点を貪欲に探求されている素晴らしい写真家であります。
個人的な見解ですが、大西さんの写真は主に緊迫感があり、東京の裏表が隠れる事なくリアルな”今”として映し出されている迫力のある写真が多いと思います。UPという世界的に有名なストリートフォトコレクティブのウェブサイトに掲載された大西さんのインタビュー、"Interview with Tadashi Onishi" (https://upphotographers.com/interviews/interview-with-tadashi-onishi/) に書いてありましたが、インタビューの中で大西さんは、撮影は自身の生活の延長線上にあるので、特に決まったテーマや撮りたい被写体などは考えず、常にカメラを持ち感情が反応したものを素直に撮るとおっしゃっていました。スナップをライフワークの一部にしているからこそできる業ですよね。
Tadashi Onishi was born and grew up in Tokyo, and he works as an independent street photographer and a member of Void Tokyo, who is one of street photography collectives like we, FRAME TOKYO. Onishi is a stunning street photographer who always passionately seeks a mid point of street photography and documentary style of photography while shooting society in everyday life in Tokyo.
This is my personal thought, and I always get a senes of urgency from his works, and I really love how Onishi dynamically captures both positive and negative sides of Tokyo as real Tokyo. Especially I love his thought of street photography. Up, who is a very famous street photography collective has published Onishi's interview, "Interview with Tadashi Onishi" (https://upphotographers.com/interviews/interview-with-tadashi-onishi/) on their website, and in the interview, Onishi interestingly describes that shooting street photography is his part of lifework so that he usually does not have certain concepts and particular subjects he wants to capture, and always carries his cameras and just shoots he feels interesting.
We tend to seek interesting moments or situations we love to shoot when we go outside with own cameras, but Onishi never does that, and he tries to capture everything in the city, such as people, animals like mice and crows and advertisements as living creatures in this era, and it is really interesting point of him.

Tadashi Onishi

Tadashi Onishi

Tadashi Onishi

Tadashi Onishi
I always tend to stop gazing his photos like what is going on because I can always see subjects hidden desires and thoughts from his photos, especially it is so impressed that there a sense of life and death is well expressed by perfectly calculated composition, photographic elements and the delicate balance between light and shadow even though most of his works were taken momently. I always learn lots of things from Onihi through analyzing his works.
今回は短いですがここまでに。まだ寒い季節が続きます、身体だけは大事にし、引き続きインプット・アウトプット作業をしていきましょう!! 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました。それではまた。
As I said, I personally think it is really good to create original photo book using favorite photographers photos you have collected from Instagram because you can improve your observing skill and critical thinking skill by analyzing photos, and this process will definitely effect your future works.
I always feel now is really convenient era compared with few decades ago, when SNS had not developed because everyone is able to see favorite photographers photos through internet and SNS very easily. I think it is really cool thing. If some of you have not tried to make original photo book like I mentioned above, I highly recommend you to do that as one of methods of analyzing photography.
I am going to end writing, and I hope all of you will be able to stay safe and healthy though it is still really cold. Thank you so much for reading and see you soon.