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ニューヨークが生んだ伝説の写真家 永遠のソール・ライター

執筆者の写真: Takeshi IshikawaTakeshi Ishikawa


 2017年、Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアムを皮切りに2会場を巡回した日本初回顧展で、大きな話題を呼んだ写真家ソール・ライター。

 1980年代に商業写真を退いたライターだが、2006年にドイツのシュタイデル社が出版した作品集『Early Color』をきっかけに、天性の色彩感覚で撮影されたカラー作品が世界的な反響を呼び、80歳を過ぎて写真界で再び脚光を浴びることとなった。12年にはドキュメンタリー映画『写真家ソール・ライター 急がない人生で見つけた13のこと』が公開。日本では15年に同映画が上映され、その名前と作品は多くの人に知られるようなった。






会場:Bunkamura ザ・ミュージアム

住所:東京都渋谷区道玄坂2-24-1 Bunkamura B1F

時間:10:00〜18:00(最終入場時間 17:30)※毎週金・土曜日は21:00まで (最終入場時間 20:30)

休館日:1月21日(火)・2月18日(火)のみ休館 観覧料一般 1,500円(1,300円) 大学・高校生 1,000円(800円) 中学・小学生 700円(500円) ※( )内は前売・団体20名様以上URL

Exhibition "Forever Saul Leiter”

The photographer Saul Leiter held a retrospective at The Bunkamura Museum of Art in 2017. This was his first retrospective in Japan, and it garnered significant attention. Leiter served as a leading fashion photographer in New York in the 1950s and 1960s, and when he was forced to close his commercial studio in the 1980s, he started focusing on his individual work, withdrawing from the public eye. A collection named Early Color that he published with Steidl Verlag in Germany in 2006 returned him to the limelight in the world of photography, then aged 82. The book became a worldwide sensation and ushered in many new opportunities for exhibitions and publications around the world. In 2012, he went on to appear in a feature-length documentary. This revival in popularity helped introduce Leiter to many more people, allowing a new generation to appreciate his brilliance. His natural-born sense for color composition led him to be known as a "pioneer of color photography." Saul Leiter passed away in 2013, leaving much of his work unorganized, including some 80,000 prints, slides, and negatives. Operating today in the artist’s East Village studio, the Saul Leiter Foundation is engaged in veritable excavation work in order to sort his oeuvre.

This exhibition ventures into a vast archive of works that were as yet unearthed during the last exhibition, and features many unpublished pieces on display, including some being exhibited for the first time ever. Together with a rich collection of materials from his creative process, these new discoveries offer a fresh perspective on Saul Leiter and demonstrate his enduring appeal.

Thu. January 9 - Mon. March 8, 2020 *1/21, 2/18 Closed

10:00 am - 6 pm (Every Friday and Saturday until 9 pm) (Entry is permitted until 30 minutes before closing)



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