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執筆者の写真: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao

Journey of RPG

みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOKYO KYOSUKE です。季節はすでに2月となりましたがみなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか。寒い季節が続きますね、NYには勿論コタツがないので、コタツが恋しくて仕方ありません。みなさんコタツ楽しんでますか?(笑)












1 / 自分の今までの経験や環境過去の環境状況、記憶など出来る限り思い出せる内面的な要素を深く考え知る事(キャラクターの特性を知る)がファーストステップ。



2 / そこからセカンドステップとして、自分の内面性に引っかかる写真のコード、自分の撮りたいとするモノは何なのかをインプット・アウトプット作業をしながらさらに掘り下げていき、独自のコードを身につける。またそれらを撮るに値するカメラを選ぶ。(武器・防具を探し装備する)

3/ 最後にそのコードを表現するにあたりどのようなスタイル・表現手法が必要か。













Hello everyone, I am KYOSUKE. It is already February, and how are you guys doing?

I guess Japan is getting cold as well as New York, and I really miss spending time with Japanese Kotatsu, that is kind of traditional Japanese furniture for winter and defined as a heater table, because I never see Kotatsu in New York even though it's possible to get it through online.

I am curious how many of you who read this article have ever used Kotastu and have been enjoying it now!!

Now, I am going to dive into the concept of this article. I wrote, " Journey of RPG (Role Playing game)" as the title of this article, and what is it mean?

First, I would like to ask you that you have ever been to play role playing game like Dragon Quest series and Final Fantasy series or not. I am not playing RPG now, but I used to do it so much because I simply loved how I could improve my characters in the game through battling with strong enemies and get new skills..etc. I loved that process of improvement, and I always think that life is like the journey of RPG because so many things happen in everyday life and we improve through lots of positive / negative experience. Also I think street photography is kind of similar with RPG.

The reason why I wanted to write this article is that I started to think deeply about what was my style of street photography and how I could be an outstanding photographer after I read some article about street photography in nowadays. In the articled, a writer critically said that photography became much more closer to people because of incredibly improved SNS, and photographers tended to make superficial photos ( photos that have no clear intention and thought of photographer) and just copy other cool photographers works.

In my personal view, I would say that all of photographers have some possibilities to be a copy of someone because uncountable photographic styles and expressions had been introduced since photography had invented. If we think about looking at photos posted on Instagram, you could see so many different kinds of photos and you would get inspiration fro them. These inspiration would effect our photos, which means we tend to be someone's copy.

So how we can avoid being someone's copy ? I have deeply thought about that, and my answer is to pursue / clarify own authentic and personal elements and code of photography, and apply them into own photographic style.

As I mentioned avobe that street photography is like RPG, it is like below.

1/To know well about character you use ( to understand / clarify who you are and your authentic)

2/To get appropriate weapons and armors ( To get own code ( Your concept / things you want to seek ) and cameras)

3/To improve and get new skills and magics through battling with enemies ( To improve your expressional skill and sensibility thought physical experience, such as shooting, and other experiences, such as reading books, watching movies and observing photo books...etc, to hone photographic thought and perspective. Then acquire your own photographic expression)

I personally think the way of how we can be an outstanding photographer in over million street photographers in the world and not being someones copy is to consistently repeat the process

I mentioned above. More clearly, the process is like below,


1/ The first step is to deeply understand who you are. For instance, it is like where you are currently living and grew up when you were a kid. What you liked/disliked to do...etc.

I personally think that when I see the core context of photos produced by both a photographer who grew up in a noisy and busy city surrounded by skyscrapers and a photographer who grew up in the suburbs surrounded by beautiful and calm nature and animals might by dramatically different because both photographers grew up in totally different environments. Therefore, I think that it is significant to know exactly who you are so that you will be able to next step that is pursuing own code of your photography( Your concept / things you want to capture )

2/ Then the second step is to deeply understand what is your code that is strongly connected with your personal elements ( memories, experiences, background...etc) through photographic experience and get appropriate camera.

3/ Finally, the last step is to acquire your own photographic style and expand your language and vocabularies of your photography through photographic experiences.


I personally think we could be an impressive photographer who has a similar photographic style with other photographers but very unique and attractive if we simply repeat the process in above.

I also think that it is totally good if you become to be a similar photographer with someone and totally ok to be someones copy of copy. So I really do not like to criticize that producing unmeaning photos and photos that look so similar with others are bad like the writer who I had mentioned at the begging of this article. The reason why I do not liked criticizing is very simple, and it is because purpose and context of photos are totally depend on photographers thoughts, and judging like, " This photo is really bad because I do not get annoying about what photographer wants to tell," " This photo is really similar with OO's works," is not a point of street photography.

So You CAN COPY someones photographic expressions. But I do not like to just copying someones styles and expressions, and I always struggle with how to get through the stage of being someone's copy. Therefore, I always try to repeat the process I had mentioned in above.

I sometimes lose my way like I cannot capture anything I want to, and I sometimes experience a setback like overwhelming. Those terms are really painful and frustrating, but I try to enjoy them because those are part of my life and I know those are key elements of improving my photography.

Well known masters like William Klein, Soul Leiter and Daido Moriyama have also own codes and styles.

For instance, Daido Moriyama's code is mainly seen as separation of expression, record of fragments of moments, copying and equivalent of subjects...etc. On the other hand, Shomei Tomatsu, who was a mentor of Daido Moriyama has totally different code with Daido Moriyama, and Tomatsu's code seems more documentary style that deeply describes humans life.

Like those masters, there are so many different kinds of styles, and I think that recent photographers include me need to go through the process as well as the process I had mentioned before on this articled. The second process is like below,

First copy someone's style related with own code→ Second deeply think, analyze, understand and experience the style and expression of photographer we chose to copy→ Finally leave from the style and create own style.

The key is how you deeply understand who you are and analyze chosen photographer's photos and style. Moreover, it is important how to connect that experience to own code of photography and discovered own style. If you do not think about that and just mimic favorite photographers expressions and styles, your photos are going to be a just a copy of favorite photographer and there might not be own uniqueness and character on your photos.

( Again, IT IS TOTALLY OK to be a copy of someone.The point is how you want to be. )

I personally do not want to be seen as a same or similar photographer to other photographers, so I will keep analyzing myself and experiencing new things.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope see you soon.




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