23 Wards Project Part 1 : Chuo-ward
Hello readers. Today I am going to share the record of our Frame Tokyo Collective new project called 23 Wards project.

We decided to shoot at Ginza, Tsukiji, Tsukishima and Nihonbashi in Chuo-ward as a first shooting place for this project.
Ginza, which seems Japanese New York
I still remember how I was moved and excited when I was a student and have visited to New York and Washington,D.C. It was the first time I have travel abroad. First I have visited to Washington,D.C. then moved to New York. Now I am strongly regret that I have not had an interest of photography at that time.
When I was walking in Manhattan, I felt like New York was really similar with Ginza, Tokyo. The cityscape was not like Europe, where is created with tradisional cityscape, and I saw so many modern square buildings that stood gridly.
It's been 20 years since then, and sometimes when I'm walking in Ginza like this,
I sometimes feel like "New York." So many people include local and foreigners are coming and going on the wide street. In such a town, memories of that time may overlap and I feel that the city is changing with the times.

Tsukiji, where Light, Shadow, Color and Reality
of Life is Coexisting.
I cannot ignore Tsukiji when I shoot Chuo-Ward. There were various issues, such as moving to Toyosu, but Tsukiji is still full of people. I went there at 2pm, but there were full of visitors from foreign countries. I really love this place because I usually see a beautiful mixing of light, shadow and colors. I always feel Tsukiji is really interesting place because I can see such a beautiful moments and workers who are always work busily.
This time I tried to capture those people and scenes that shoppers are selecting what they want to get in the stores with documentary style. I thought my feeling that I want to record tsukiji's perticurer streetscape makes me shoot documentary.

"Tsukishima" where Nostalgia and New Scenery are Mixed
How long I have not come to Tsukishima since I had visited there last time?
I saw that some old townscapes still remain. Tower condominiums are seen in the scenery that looks like a Showa era. Amazing contrast of the different times like Showa and nowadays. Small children running around and boys playing baseball. There was a scene that didn't change from old days.

Nihonbashi, where History and Today are in Harmony
Nihonbashi is a town that grew as a castle town during the Edo period.
Today, the atmosphere of Nihonbashi has been updated in harmony with the mixture of historical and modern buildings.
The japanese entrance curtain on the first floor of the new commercial building may also function to harmonize modernity and tradition.
What's interesting is that the main street is modern, but once you enter the back street,
it has a historic atmosphere. It's connected very comfortably. The Nihonbashi area includes the Nihonbashi/Muromachi area, the Yaesu area, the Bakurocho/Higashi Nihonbashi area, the Kabuto/Kayabacho area, and the Ningyocho area, and depending on the area, the expression of the town is dramatically different. This time I walked around the Nihonbashi/Muromachi area. I found an expression of the city that I had never noticed before, and slowly released the shutter while feeling the atmosphere that history and modernity were in harmony.

The Rhythm of Releasing Shutter is
Synchronize with the Air and Rhythm of the City.
This time, I was able to discover that the rhythm of releasing shutter is
synchronize with the air and rhythm of the city. I am so excited what do I discover in other cities and What I can record. I hope you could enjoy reading this article! See you soon.